Parkinson’s & Music Therapy

A devastating diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease (PD) can seem like an overwhelming blow to living a full life.  Many individuals with PD suffer from progressive symptoms such tremors, stiffness or rigidity of the muscles, slowness of movement, and decreased vocal range.  

Have you or a loved one been given this debilitating news?  Or have you been living with Parkinson’s Disease for years and see no way out? Are you experiencing difficulty with moving around your house, independently tackling daily activities like eating and dressing, and being engaged in activities that bring joy to your life? 

Despite the challenges of PD, there is hope to living a fuller life.  One powerful way is through the results I have achieved over the years working with Parkinson’s Disease patients by integrating music and therapy.  Music Therapy can help you manage and overcome your symptoms! Next, I will discuss the healing benefits of Music Therapy and how it can support you.

Music Therapy:  Physical & Mental Benefits

Studies have shown that applying therapies that involve both moving to music and singing can work to improve PD-related challenges.  Here are a few areas:

  • Balance: Stride length, posture and side-to-side movement can improve with music therapy.
  • Communication: Singing can increase volume and articulation.
  • Cognition: Singing lyrics can improve memory issues.
  • Emotions: Music has been shown to uplift and improve expression.

According to Elizabeth Stegemöller, an assistant professor of kinesiology at Iowa State University, found that when she lead classes of people with Parkinson’s Disease by applying Music Therapy consisting of vocal exercises and singing, the following results were achieved:

  • Increased muscle activity and control
  • Improved breathing and swallowing
  • Improved posture

Additional benefits of incorporating Music Therapy in your daily routine and rehabilitation protocol includes:

  • Strengthens your immune system
  • Improves language development and learning
  • Increases brain connectivity
  • Increases spatial awareness
  • Decreases anxiety, anger, stress, and frustration 
  • Improves concentration and motivation

Music Therapy has also proven to have a positive impact not just on class participants but also on caregivers, families, and friends in coping with Parkinson’s Disease.  

Are you ready to embark upon a healing journey of singing your way through Parkinson’s Disease? Hope is here!  Give Music Therapy a shot! 

I am a board certified music therapist and have been specializing in helping people with Parkinson’s Disease for an extensive number of years.  I am here to elevate my patients to new heights in their recovery process through the wonderful medium of Music Therapy.  

I currently have some openings for seeing patients with Parkinson’s Disease and providing the support you need in order to live a fuller life. Please feel free to connect with me if you or someone you know needs this kind of therapy.


Kim McMillin

RN, MA, MT-BC, LMHC, LMFT (CO) Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Board Certified Music Therapist

I am passionate about helping others to find the goodness within them and to heal the barriers that prevent them from embracing the light of goodness inside. Each of us comes into this world as a magnificent sun. What often trips us up is that we learn to identify with the clouds — ugly things…